Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Editor's Notepod, Wed., Aug. 5, 2009

Wallingford: Wharton Brook Park closed once again. It is good to read that ways to remedy the contamination issue are at least being studied. It seems to happen with astonishing regularity.

Meriden: There seems to be continuing issues between the "friends of Falcon Field" and the union over what jobs are done by them. This is not really a surprising problem, though we thought it had been settled. One of the comments of C.S.Lewis suggests that a person must not be deprived of his (or her) function, and that's part of what's going on, despite all the good will.

Cheshire/State: the Pratt & Whitney closing. It's hard to imagine talks succeeding, since if the company wants to close the plant there's not a lot the workers can do. Short of agreeing to huge pay cuts, which it seems very difficult for unions to do -- and assuming they should. It will take intervention either with legislative sweeteners or, more long-term, rules impeding any company's removal to obtain cheaper labor . . . but that gets everyone into legislating the status quo and is profoundly anti-entrepreneurial.

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