Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Editor's Notepod, Tues., Aug. 18, 2009

Southington: There will be opposition forming to the VIP store with its sexually oriented materials (limited to 10 percent of stock).

Cheshire: The FOI rules on emails has been raised with some of the councilors, who appear to feel strongly against the rules, some of them. The law hasn't been changed in this regard, but the situation has been developing legally. There are some comprehensibly, and if some careful inquiries and instruction offered, the matter should be comprehensible without anyone's privacy being breached.

Southington: Ghost hunters are preparing to investigate the Grange Hall. Well, they're welcome to spend their money as they choose!

Wallingford: discussion over temporary signage continues. If the town can't authorize signs along Route 5 or Rout 150, who does authorize signs? The state Traffic Control Commission? Is it really impossible in Wallingford, if the issue happens to be trees which obscure authorized signs, to trim the trees without irritating the treehuggers? Surely there's a way of processing such situations, and of reaching some sort of working arrangement with merchants. Does the state come in and remove "temporary" signs?

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