Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Editor's Notepod, Wed., Apr. 27, 2011

Wallingford is going the partisan route, it seems, in choosing an interim tenant representative for the Housing Authority – or not, as may be. Tenants, one can only hope, are ready to scream “A plague on both your houses!”

Our sympathies to the family of Cheshire Town Councilor Anne Giddings, who died Monday evening a month after an automobile crash. Her loss will be felt very deeply.

Meriden’s budget seems to be taking shape with less of the acrimony than has sometimes been the case. Setting figures this year, with the state budget still up in the air, is a bit like aiming a gun in the dark, but that’s the way it always is, since budget processes on both levels of government are fairly simultaneous. And the school board is trimming its sails closely as each day passes.

Connecticut’s legislature is tinkering with the rules at both ends of the school system, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. While efforts are still underway to try to require high school kids to remain in school until they turn 18, as a number of other states do, they are also attempting to insure that kindergarteners are a little older (three months) when they begin school – which is fine, but the point was the now missing guarantee of pre-school care.

Congratulations to Jack Masterson (better known at the Daffodil Festival as Smokey Bear). The former South Meriden firefighter and lieutenant will serve as the Grand Marshal of this weekend’s Daffodils on Parade.

There’s not much choice about paying for an outside investigation of allegations concerning the Meriden Police Department. Remember, in this situation, money is the least of the costs in the final analysis.

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