Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Editor's Notepod, Sat., Apr. 16, 2011

If people want to skydive and the company assisting them wants to make Meriden-Markham one of the drop zone, where jumpers are “downloaded,” that’s fine with us – on two conditions. One: all insurance contingencies are paid up in advance; two: downloading is confined to the airport.

Wallingford’s Mayor Dickinson is making noises about changing the pension system from a defined benefit to a defined contribution, and it’s easy to see why any town would want to do this. But there is no reason why any municipal employee, given the performance of the market, would want to make such a switch.

The Summer Campership Fund for Meriden and Wallingford has kicked off for its 36th year and it was a fine start. But there’s a big goal to reach down the road, so it’s time to consider your contribution.

Transfer of Wilcox Tech (in Meriden) and other vo-tech schools to local school districts as proposed is dead in the water. That’s a good thing, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure what you mean by downloading.But when I skydive I sure as heck would want to land at the dz.