Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Editor's Notepod, Tues. Feb. 15, 2011

Nobody wants to pay more taxes of any kind, and become exercised at Gov. Malloy’s proposals. But nobody wants to lose services, either. Anyone have a better plan? If you examine the tax increases Malloy has proposed for Connecticut, you can only wonder why some of the exemptions exist in the first place.

Southington is going to educate on the need for no sump pumping into sewers and do that thoroughly before “dropping fines” on people.

Sec. of State’s plan for fixing Connecticut election issues seems effectively low-key, and hence workable. She also mentioned making absentee balloting easier and also discussed the early voting, as in Oregon and North Carolina.

Interesting issue regarding notions of using existing camera equipment to capture cars running red lights at intersections in Meriden and elsewhere, and it might help to change the nature of violations so that they impact the vehicle, not the driver.

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