Friday, February 11, 2011

The Editor's Notepod, Fri., Feb. 11, 2011

It’s not yet clear what period of time that sum of $30,000 in unreturned books covers in Southington – or, now that they’re taking a look at the issue, how it compares with other school systems. Kids will lose books, despite their parents’ best efforts, and unless there is a serious and unusual problem, there’s no point really in becoming too upset about it – it’s not as if textbooks were one of the major expenses of any school board.

The Connecticut General Assembly is considering a bill creating a registry for all guns in the state. While we thoroughly approve of gun control and strongly support efforts to keep lethal weapons of any kind out of the hands of people who are unsafe, we find it hard to imagine any measure more likely to trigger serious opposition from every 2nd amendment proponent than a universal registry. Why not just buy guns from people instead?

Given some expectations, it’s not unreasonable that some of the houses Meriden acquired under Neighborhood Stabilization Funds over the last two years have been demolished, some sold, some on the market, and some being refurbished. That’s what happens.

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