Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Editor's Notepod, Wed., Mar. 31, 2010

Southington: the Legion is helping those at home, coping with the absence of loved ones in the service away on deployment. “Psychological first aid” is an important step in keeping the home front strong and supportive in difficult times.

Meriden: The Board of Ethics, will, we hope, shelve suggestions which would allow confidential or private treatment of complaints or potential complaints. The main point of the ethics process is not so much to keep some public official from casting vote on a particular subject but to make sure that everyone knows what interests and what relationships exist which might affect those votes. This should not embarrass anyone.

Plans in Meriden, Wallingford, and Cheshire to clean up the Quinnipiac River. This isn’t complicated chemistry, it’s people with bags and gloves and whatever else is needed to pick up the junk that other people have tossed carelessly into the waterway.

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