Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Editor's Notepod, Sun., Mar. 21, 2010

State: Pratt & Whitney’s CFO, Gregory Hayes, blasted the state in the WSJ (where else?) over anti-business climate. The level of whining from a company which earns almost all its money from federally-financed contracts is kind of absurd. There’s no reason why any company, given the profit imperative, should appreciate a participation in the general welfare of society, but they need to be made to do so all the same.

Area: census forms have arrived here and there, and they’re not scams. The information sought is necessary for administrative fairness.

Meriden/Wallingford/Southington: it would make sense for there to be a rationalization of the way tuition payments and costs are handled by school districts and by regional facilities, by the vo-ag programs and by the tech school system. It’s hard to see why there shouldn’t be a single tuition price per year, the same in each district and unit, so that people can go where they want to school.

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