Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Editor's Notepod, Tues., Dec. 8, 2009

Cheshire: The town “failed to achieve expected yearly progress” on standardized tests with special needs kids, who compose about a tenth of the 5,000 children in the system. Hence it is on the list of schools which need improvements. To respond, and without spending any money, the system has a plan to improve scores. This is evidently a reallocation of resources, which could certainly help special needs students’ scores, but apart from improving scores, how does this help special needs students? How does it help anyone else in the system?

Meriden: The invitation of the Green Party to join forces, or explore possibilities, with We the People, is certainly interesting. It will depend on the match of ideas.

Meriden: The council unanimously rejected the administrators’ contract with the school board. The matter will therefore go to arbitration, and it will be interesting to see if anyone does any better after that is completed.

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