Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Editor's Notepod, Thur., Dec. 17, 2009

State: good news on two counts. H1N1 virus fading fast. And now there are 900,000 doses of the vaccine available in the state. Does that add up to bad news? No Merely an unlucky guess, like losing on the snow insurance.

Wallingford: Positive decision reached by Town Council on accepting a grant for the loop of the linear trail. It’s funny how controversial a perfectly good idea can become when money gets tight.

The aroma problem seems to be back in Meriden’s water supply. We hope a way to remedy it is found soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The issue is whether or not it is a good idea to spend about $750,000 of local money, this next fiscal year, the following year, or ever, on a boardwalk that serves only the senior center, more specifically, only those seniors who go to the senior center and who will use this trail. Those that want a boardwalk hike experience, are able to drive to the Community Lake parking lot and use the main, north-south linear trail which will soon extend all the way to Fireworks Island, when that extension is completed with grant money. But because of an inevitable local appropriation of $750,000 and the $200,000 grant, they will not have to make that very short drive.

In good times, it is a questionable priority to spend so much on such a narrow, niche amenity that serves so few in such a small way. In bad times, it is an extravagance.

Accepting the $200,000 grant, therefore, will cost us, sooner or later, $750,000 of local money. That is why I voted no.

Mike Brodinsky