Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Editor's Notepod, Sat., Oct. 10, 2009

Cheshire/Southington: bitterness over the conduct of the 2008 Powder Puff game between the two towns’ high schools has apparently led to a scheduling change: Southington will play in New Britain, while Cheshire will play in-house. Too bad a tradition had to end in such a way.

Meriden: It would be good, if unlikely, that parties will stick to issues. Democrats should not boycott, even if people are a little upset with process, unless something of substance. Meriden Democrats are up to the verbal challenges.

Southington: the substance of the issues about that football fund seems as ephemeral as the original allegations. Sorry, while people may not much like old-fashioned and informal bookkeeping (which includes a surprising sum of cash) it’s not yet illegal. Move on.

National: it is something of an indictment of the fierce partisanship which has beleaguered American presidential politics that the award to the president of the United States of the Nobel Prize for Peace should be seen by so many fellow citizens as a negative achievement.

Wallingford: while there might be something interesting in the ordinance line to be done regarding vicious dogs, it would seem that the animal control officer has sufficient power. There are, sadly, always going to be situations where something unfortunate occurs. Another law enforcement power won’t remedy the situation which already occurred.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The blame for this contest coming to an end lies at the feet of CHS's new coach...he crossed the line (and he know's it!)...

-A Trusted Source