Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Editor's Notepod, Sun., Mar. 22, 2009

Meriden: Sounds to me as if the Housing Authority's plan with Jonathan Rose Companies isn't going to work as planned, since apparently those interested in investment have become scarce on the ground. New idea, for MHA to let someone else manage the place, doesn't seem to me to mesh very well with the notion of public housing. But they've reduced the tenantry to 66 from 124, so there are fewer and fewer revenue units. The place will wind up empty and decrepit, while former tenants live on Section 8 vouchers. That just doesn't sound like any plan at all.

State: Two proposals: a) to require Mountain Laurel plantings at state buildings and b) to name the polka as state dance. We're doing fiscal crisis. Are these guys serious?

Meriden: Here's the case for not closing the fire station on Broad Street. May its closure not also raise insurance rates for some residents? So would they rather pay the taxes to maintain services, which means basically paying firefighters, or would they rather pay more to their insurance company out in Minneapolis or Duluth because the nearest firehouse exceeds some limit? That's not a choice I have any difficulty with.

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