Monday, March 2, 2009

The Editor's Notepod, Mon., Mar. 2, 2009

Southington: Budget and that third captain. Since the case was made, apparently, that the third captain would re-write policies, the manager shrewdly said that someone else could do that job and cut it, along with a couple of empty posts. This will be a tough year to get funds restored to any budget.

Meriden: a welcome back to Mike Hatch at the Lunchbox. A business since 1943, it’s had essentially two operators in 65 years. That’s a pretty good record.

Southington: Industrial Condo planned. That sounds like a fairly logical idea, given the demise of most large industrial sites. Or is it, in another sense, a return to pre-industrial society where most goods were manufactured on site for local markets? Probably not.

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