Monday, December 15, 2008

The Editor's Notepod, Mon., Dec.15, 2008

Meriden: Monument errors. It’s too bad they happen, but they appear to be common. I recall when the additional names were rounded up and placed on the monument, something that Ray Morin had a part in, I think. It’s a situation not unlike that of a memorial gift (to a school, for instance) when the bench or tree or doorbell or whatever is damaged, dies or stops working. Up to some point, an effort to honor the gift is appropriate . . . but how far?

Wallingford: the testing program for monitoring elderly folks who live alone seems like an excellent program to me.

Meriden: Water tower, radio tower atop Dexter/Carpenter. They’ve had trouble with that water reservoir up there as I recall. I did once live fairly close to the top of that hill. I can’t imagine a water tower or a radio tower would be a property enhancer, but I have no idea how bad the current water pressure is.


Andria said...

Is there anyway to post a list of drop off places to donate toys or new clothing, etc. for this Christmas season. Type of items, time spans during day, and up to what date for last drop off. I have, and I am sure others do too, items to drop off and don't know where to take them. I do not receive the local paper, I live in Meriden. Thanks. Andria

The Editor's Notepod said...

Thanks for asking. We actually published just such a list in yesterday's paper on page 22 in the Front Porch section of the Record-Journal. Places, dates, time spans, items needed, the whole nine yards. Similar lists, including sections for Meriden, Wallingford, Southington and Cheshire have been appearing regularly in Monday editions.