Friday, December 5, 2008

The Editor's Notepod, Friday, December 5, 2008

Southington: That Greenway Commons idea still seems like a good plan, which costs the state nothing. I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t pass.

Meriden: How can rent be raised unilaterally on a lease just after a lease has been signed?

Meriden: Public meeting on private land with public excluded raises some FoI issues.

Cheshire: a zero tolerance policy for bullying…I suppose that makes more sense than allowing kids to take turns, secure in the knowledge that it takes more than one incident to win a punishment. But the “zero tolerance” rule as an official policy means that every incident of any kind gets treated to a full dress crime and punish-ment scenario. Does this really help anyone?

Southington/Cheshire: charges after the powder-puff contest. Perhaps everyone needs to rethink the occasion. A traditional informal event is one thing. A highly competitive and passionate occasion is another.

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