Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Editor's Notepod, Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wallingford: American Legion building. I can’t see that anyone has any coherent idea for the place; yet people are vaguely angry over the fact that it was purchased anyway. It’s time to move on, but this will probably work its way out in court. I can’t see Dick Blumenthal coming up with a better plan.

Meriden: Center Congregational Church has hired a gay pastor. It’s a bold step for a congregation to take, considering how volatile an issue this can be. A few people will get up and go, but most will take the differ-ence in stride. A bigger problem for this and other so-called “main line” churches/denominations is where they will find future congregants. Presumably, they will come from the pool of tolerant citizens who feel themselves free to choose their religious affiliations.

Meriden: questions now face city/owners about future of #30 and #19 Colony Street.

State: Constitutional Convention on the ballot. It would be grim chance if this previously largely un-noticed item is propelled to the front by reaction to the recent Supreme Court decision. I think, myself, that any wholesale opening of any constitution or charter invites amendment by surprise.

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