Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Editor's Notepod, Tues., Feb. 14, 2012

Wallingford’s proposed school budget shows part of the difficulty of receiving grants – regardless of source – in one year, then needing to do without the next. It would have been better if the school board had been permitted to split its federal grant, it would appear.

Southington’s panel has decided on going for an artificial turf field, which has a lot of advantages including fewer football injuries and more potential events. It has been suggested, though, that there are some athletes, particularly those who play soccer, who do not feel the artificial turf is beneficial, and this is a point to clear up.

The state is going to begin charging towns (which are already paying salaries) for training given at the Meriden Police Academy. This surely makes sense to state budgeteers, but just as clearly does not do so for municipal budget-makers.

Cheshire Community Pool is back in operation with a new bubble, replacing that which collapsed last year during the heavy snowfall. Let’s all hope for a continuation of our snowless winter.

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