Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Editor's Notepod, Tues., Jan. 31, 2012

Fireworks for Wallingford’s Fourth of July observance seem a chancy thing. Now with both original organizers on the Town Council and busier than ever, it would be a good time for an official intervention by the town budget, but the chances of that happening seem vanishingly small.

Banning electronic devices in schools, in Southington (where a committee is at work on a rule book) or elsewhere, may work momentarily. It’s a better plan, though, to figure out how to incorporate all these devices in the learning process, where they can become integral parts of the system, not just entertainments.

Connecticut’s Bond Commission has approved $291 million in borrowing over a decade to support Jackson Labs’ research lab at the Connecticut Health Center in Farmington. This is a gamble, and we hope a good one.

It makes a certain amount of sense to hold school on some holidays, such as Veterans’ Day, as Cheshire is at least going to consider. It depends whether people, in particular students, see such occasions as vacations or days of remembrance, celebration or whatever.

Wallingford’s Electric Division is considering expanding its incentive program of lowered rates for businesses which locate to Center Street, which costs the town $3,617. This is a fine idea but one does wonder how it differs from the rejected Simpson Court parking plan in its direct aid to businesses.

The mentoring program at Israel Putnam school in Meriden, with one mentor remaining with a student for years. This is a fine way of providing something extra for kids.

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