Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Editor's Notepod, Thur., Dec. 1, 2011

Many well-dressed Wallingford residents will miss Charlie DiFranco’s men’s clothing store. After 47 years, he has decided to retire and close the business, which will leave a gap on Center Street which will be hard to fill.

Southington’s artificial turf committee is beginning its work on the project for the high school, now that election results won’t upset membership. This is a change away from the mud and glop which many schools are making and it also creates a more versatile and resilient playing area for kids to use.

Although his membership on the redistricting committee is fixed by law, along with every other member, and although each other member is also redistricting his or her own district, to avoid sniping, Meriden legislator and Speaker of the House, Chris Donovan, has stepped away from this post. It’s a wise decision and could help this committee resolve the congressional boundary issues.

It’s easy to see how power lines serving Meriden’s Lydale Place could be a problem while they’re bordering Land Trust Property and away from the street. Instead of negotiation for permission to trim, or putting more poles in along the street, why not bury the lines as has been done in other neighborhoods?

Milner’s Café is closing ending a run on Broad Street, Meriden, which began with the repeal of Prohibition in 1937. Can’t complain, but there are many locals, regular patrons, who will miss the exchange of good times which occurred there.

Cheshire police have had a “moh-vember,” growing moustaches to encourage increasing awareness of men’s health issues. While significant others may have harbored qualms about their hirsute friends, the cause is a good one – and the best thing about hair is that it grows back, or, in this case, can be shaved off.

Whatever is done or not anything is done in reaction to the use of Tasers in the Black Friday Southington incident or elsewhere, it does appear that Tasering is an effective way of reducing injury to suspect, police and bystanders when there is a resistance to arrest. This, by itself, is a solid recommendation.

The former American Legion house next to Wallingford’s Town Hall will become a bed & breakfast with an 1870s theme under the latest bid approved by the Town Council. This plan, given the number of visitors to Wallingford who need places to stay, could prove a winner and we hope it does.

Meriden Public Library will get some new and brighter lighting under a proposal expected to be approved soon by the State Bond Commission. This will be much appreciated by patrons and employees alike.

A contract has been awarded to Wiese Construction of Norwich $1,331,180 to raze Meriden’s long-abandoned Factory H. Work is expected to begin within weeks and to be completed by March.

Southington Town Councilor Dawn Miceli and water board Commissioner Mike Domian are working on a plan for a temporary ice rink in town, given the success of such rinks in other communities. It’s low cost, low maintenance, and many components can be reused.

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