Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Editor's Notepod, Sat., June 11, 2011

The thunderstorms earlier in the week knocked out a huge number of power lines, leaving a lot of folks in Meriden and around the state without electricity for a good while. This sort of thing does happen, though – and if a temporary loss of power is the worst thing to happen to us, consider the alternatives!

Wallingford needs to raise the price of school lunches, bringing them into line with other towns, and that’s a reasonable move to take. We still don’t quite understand, though, why it seems to be needful to worry quite so much about the net cost: the purpose of lunch programs is not to make money but to provide food to kids who might otherwise go hungry or eat inadequately – it just isn’t about the bottom line.

The consequences of that horrible attack by a chimpanzee in Stamford 2½ years ago have extended now to a face transplant for the victim. The chimp was shot and killed, the owner has died and her estate and the state face huge lawsuits, and the woman attacked may someday be able to return to some sort of normal life.

Amazon has severed ties with Connecticut websites because of the state’s determination to subject internet sales to tax. Amazon is fighting this trend here and in four other states.

Band students, who have taken some ribbing over the years, tend to be among the top scholars in high schools, as statistics from Platt and Maloney show. This is a good thing to know, and good for the self esteem of a lot of hard-working Meriden instrumentalists.

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