Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Editor's Notepod, Tues. Nov. 30, 2010

State: Gov. Rell has reversed herself, thank goodness. She will not suggest cuts in rail service to Danbury, Waterbury and New Canaan to save $$.

Meriden: a drawback of a purposeful device like SeeClickFix.com may be that it creates expectations that every problem reported will be corrected within a week. That is not possible now for Meriden or any other town or city and it has never been possible: people need to be realistic.

Wallingford: town will build a new transfer station to allow for dumping at ground level, a boon to residents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gee wonder were you got your info regarding a group home ready to close was it from the same person who is the top earner in the dept. and who happens to be the supervisor of the slated IHS to close yes this is not a group home its listed in the DDS phone list as a IHS get your info right even if its from a snitch