Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Editor's Notepod, Tues. Sept. 14, 2010

The trial of the Cheshire home invasion case is underway and began with vivid testimony by witnesses. It’s difficult not to share the horror of the events as the story unfolds, and consider the ordeal this proceeding is for everyone.

State: today former Hartford Mayor Perez receives his sentence. What would constitute fairness in his case?

Wallingford: while it might develop that a defined contribution pension plan for town employees might cost taxpayers less than a defined contribution plan, there’s a lot more involved than just making a change. Moreover, unless the stock market begins to make strong surges forward, it’s hard to imagine trying to sell any union or any group of employees on the idea that it would be good to switch.

Southington: it’s hard to see how that sewer line which would run 455 feet along zStreet and down to the proposed sports complex would not be a good thing under almost any circumstances. While the bonding ordinance passed by the Town Council is conditional, it would seem to be a good step to take even without the complex.

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