Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Editor's Notepod, Sun., Aug. 29, 2010

Southington: Is everyone, in or out of school, ready for “text” books (how quaint that looks) to be replaced by “robust and interactive learning systems with animations, videos, tutorials, embedded assessment and interventions available for teacher/student/parent”? If not, perhaps you should think about stepping out of the speed zone on the information highway!

State: At least one candidate for governor wants to continue with Gov. Rell’s request for the courts to end the 20-year-old federal oversight of the child protection agency, siting costs. Would that mean we could save money by terminating a lot of workers? There’s a fine moral dilemma.

Meriden: Public water remains the single most effective public health measure since Roman aqueducts. Even if it occasionally smells or tastes a little odd, it remains safe and a tremendous bargain, compared to anybody’s bottled water – which, remember, comes mostly from the taps in some other town or city.

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