Friday, July 23, 2010

The Editor's Notepod, Fri., July 23, 2010

Meriden: Hanover Pond is silting up — which is surely no news to anyone, and the cost of dredging it, assuming we could agree on a plan, may be around 425 million, out of reach of the city at present. It may be that the pond’s natural lifetime is approaching its end and it will revert to the swamp which covered much of the area before the dam.

We can’t remember a time when Connecticut reported two tornadoes during a single year. This sort of weather is too violent for the Land of Steady Habits, and we hope it ends soon.

Cheshire: the fate of the community pool in Bartlem Park remains a source of discussion and concern. A year-round pool? A summer-only pool? A Taj Mahal? A hole in the ground into which the town pours money?

Cheshire: a decrease of enrollment of a net 115 students probably won’t make much of a dent in the school system’s costs. It does seem, though, not the best way to achieve savings.

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