Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Editor's Notepod, Tue., Apr. 6, 2010

Wallingford: the decision to chop the $30,000 for public fireworks seems unnecessary. Citizens need public parties and celebrations, and just because times are tough, there is no need to decree that there should be no more cakes and ale, to misuse the Bard.

Meriden: the decision of the City Council to give a portion of revenues from the billboard to the Humane Society is good and proper. It has been evident for many years that, regardless of intentions, the Society has difficulty raising the funds it needs to perform its very public service for animals. It’s certainly in part a public responsibility in which the public has a duty to share, either voluntarily or through public revenues.

Cheshire: a discouragingly antagonistic discussion on the budget. Surely, the solution cannot be either service cuts or tax hikes but some of each achievable through decent and public spirited compromise.

Southington: a short finance board hearing reveals the familiar arguments between spending and cutting. Does it help for labels to be attached to positions with which one does not agree?

State: while anyone wrongfully convicted of any crime should be, must be, promptly released (and compensated, it would seem only fair) upon reasonable proof of innocence, it does seem odd that the state is not afforded a chance of questioning or challenging the proof presented, as was apparently the case of the two men imprisoned for 16 years for murder.

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