Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Editor's Notepod, Thur., Sept. 24, 2009

Wallingford: how will the land for the firehouse be restricted to that use? Well, the answer is, “ask the lawyer.”

Southington: The person who withdrew the appeal about VIP was the prospective neighbor of the shop, who evidently came to terms with the situation. It remains to be seen whether the community can pull together enough resources to mount a challenge.

Area: the over six million dollars to area school systems for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act from the federal government seems wonderful, and it is good that such students are going to get funding; but for the system as a whole, obliged to spend on “new” programs, when good existing programs face cuts, has to be a serious frustration.

Police in Meriden have been stopping cars exceeding the speed limit on residential streets. With any luck, people will no longer need to mutter, as some speeder’s wake stirs up the dust and threatens the pets and children “where’s a cop when you need one?” Everyone should watch the speedometer.

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