Friday, June 26, 2009

The Editor's Notepod, Fri., June 26, 2009

Meriden: the taxi proposal, a competitor to the existing service, which reports a significant drop in business as is, presents commission and public with interesting situation regarding licensing, competition, monopoly, economics.

Meriden: given the city’s prior undertakings with NRG about taxes and the power plant, it would be not only difficult but probably impossible to oppose the completion of the plant at this time.

Southington: nothing decrees that gifted and talented program requires a lot of cash, seeing that the transportation for the existing program has been scrapped. But it’s hard to figure out how anyone will be reached.

Cheshire: a fee schedule adopted for Mixville Park. . . $5 for residents, $10 for non-residents, which isn’t unreasonable per se, and sometimes when anyone actually has to pay for something it acquires value. But again, as before, was there any presentation of evidence that the graffiti and other misbehavior was from out-of-town.

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