Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Editor's Notepod, Thur., May 7, 2009

Meriden: Rohde to veto, essentially to give city and unions more time to negotiate and for symbolic gesture.

Wallingford: Electric rates to rise but very minimally, thanks to the unexpectedly low price of power.

Southington: the parking issue at a local sports bar seems to be easing somewhat. This is progress.

Meriden: Tom Gaffey has settled the issues before the Elections Enforcement Commission. The situation is unfortunate, but it has been well-aired before. It’s to be hoped it won’t repeat: the rules are complicated, true, but so are those of the IRS; that’s why people hire accountants.

Meriden: Surely, no one is bewildered to learn that the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission ruling has been challenged with a suit. No one reading the story should forget that a legal complaint is a collection of allegations which the party hopes to prove in court, not a set of facts already found by a court.

Southington: the course of the Charter Commission proves to be very interesting.

Meriden: Move the parks department out of the Washington Park Field house? Saving the cash is a legitimate concern. However, since there are regular contacts with the public involved, it is difficult to think that simply moving the operation — which is not necessarily cost free — to City Hall or to Miller Street, or even to the caretaker’s house at Hubbard Park, will do the public much good. Fix the building and leave it alone. The department, moreover, may re-grow in the future, which would necessitate a move back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After unfairly slamming city employees and their unions, threatening to close a firehouse, blaming municipal workers for the financial woes of Meriden and balancing the budget on the backs our families, the city gov't now wants concessions! Here's a suggestion: Kiss our collective asses! Especially, Kendzior, Kogut, and Shamock.