Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Editor's Notepod, Sun., Feb. 22, 2009

Wallingford: Stockpiling of cash discussion. While it’s good to have money to spend when needed, money in a sock isn’t always the best method, particularly if it seems to be spendable for particular requests other than intended.

Meriden: Noisy vehicles. Motors, mufflers, radios. But where can anyone draw the line? I wish there would be better muffling of trash collection vehicles. They make an awful racket. So does the occasional fire engine which comes up the street. Or how about neighbors' lawnmowers? Depends on the time of day and the necessity, of course. Why can’t motor cycles be properly silenced? Ans.: they can. Noise is part of some riders’ statement.

Southington: make a blanket day – for kids – should help a lot of youngsters keep warm.

Cheshire: Betty Allen’s commitment to taking care of others; she just returned from Biloxi and work on homes harmed by Katrina.

after assurances regarding the future of the linear trail, the trail advisory committee has changed course and withdrawn opposition to transfer of funds to the immediate improvements for Reskin Drive. If the committee’s convinced, that’s okay, but it’s still an odd way to fund particular projects.

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