Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Editor's Notepod, Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wallingford: Is it really true? The charter amendment move is really all about the veto? The suggestion is made that neither commission nor council can consider amending the veto provision because of another charter prohibition on altering mayoral power by “ordinance, vote or otherwise.” I find it hard to believe that an un-amendable charter provision can exist. That said, I would adopt the idea mentioned by Chairman Knickerbocker: break the provisions for amendment into different items and let voters say yea or nay on the veto rule separate from other provisions.

Southington: a similar process is about to begin with the charter. Talk is about not appointing anyone “official” or who has been on panel before. While I think that’s kind of foolish, as Andrew Meade points out, the fact is that anything the panel does will be looked at and debated anew by the town council which can entirely alter the proposal. I would think that deliberately filling a panel with outsiders, even those mildly antagonistic to the current administration, professional or volunteer, would be apt to generate hostility among the councilors who must approve their work.

Southington: favorable bids received for the Plantsville improvement plan — sidewalks, landscaping, lampposts — which is good for the area. Southington is fortunate to have these communities and it’s right to preserve their identities.

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